Monday, September 30, 2013

Between 70-80% of an organization’s processes are still being managed on paper.

Isn't it time you looked in records management?  No Job is Too Big or Too Small!

Small Business Packages

Accounts will automatically upgrade to the next business package once the box quantity exceeds the current package limit and the monthly fees and services will apply accordingly. Once an account exceeds the 200 box threshold of the Platinum Package the account will automatically upgrade to the standard account rates.

*Additional fees may apply for extra services required.
** Box sizes (units) are considered as follows:   Size 1 = under 1.2 cubes (1 unit); Size 2 = 1.3 to 2.0 cubes (2 units) (including x-ray boxes) and Size 3 = 2.1 to 3.0 cubes (3 units)